Global Feed Tonnage in Last Five Years Has Increased 14 Percent

Global Feed Tonnage in Last Five Years Has Increased 14 Percent

Alltech for the the past five years has conducted a global feed survey and the survey estimates international feed tonnage now at 995.5 million metric tons which is a 1.5 percent increase over last year and a 14 percent increase since Alltech first published Global Feed Survey in 2011.
Alltech Chief Innovation Officer Aidan Connolly shares some of the statistics from the survey and notes that the survey deals only with feed that has been has been produced in mills, does not include forages or feed manufactured on the farm.
Connolly: “China is still the number one producer of feed. It is a very large producer of feed, particularly for pigs. We are continuing to see an growth in meat consumption in China but that not necessarily being reflected in the feed production. In the United States, we’ve been collecting not just the feed productions in terms of animal feeds but also in terms of horses, aqua and pets. From that perspective, the number is not that far off the Chinese number — particularly since the Chinese number dropped by a percent and the United States grew by 2.5 percent. So there is actually convergence between number one and number two.”
Connolly continues
Connolly: “Probably one of the stories of this survey is the continued growth of India. India is actually up over 7 percent again this year. That follows on a very strong showing last year when it was up about 10 percent. So India is fast becoming one of the major producers of feed globally. And should indeed probably grow to be the fourth largest producer next year.”
To read the survey in its entirety, go to
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