Misinformation & Fire Investigation
Misinformation & Fire Investigation. I'm Greg Martin with today's Northwest Report.The tragic deaths of three firefighters this year in Washington State is getting some close scrutiny via a new 24-page report by state and federal officials. The report states that the crew faced zero visibility before the crash near Twisp. The three firefighters fire engine crashed on a winding dirt road while trying to make its way out of the area. No blame is being assigned and no firm conclusion have been drawn either from the report. Part of a larger report is looking into potential changes to methods and changes to help prevent future injuries or fatalities.
A new study shows conventional ethanol in gasoline is dramatically reducing carbon emissions into the air since the Renewable Fuels Standard took effect seven years ago. A new study commissioned by the Renewable Fuels Association suggests that the RFS has reduced carbon emission by 354 million metric tons since 2008. Association president Bob Dinneen says the petroleum industry argues otherwise as it fights to boost gasoline sales and reduce ethanol volumes.
DINEEN: The American Petroleum Institute right now is spending a boatload of money to misinform people about ethanol's impact.
That's today's Northwest Report. I'm Greg Martin on the Ag Information Network of the West.