Growing An Apple Variety

Growing An Apple Variety

Growing An Apple Variety. I'm Greg Martin with today's Fruit Grower Report.

Yesterday we talked with Pink Lady America spokesperson Alan Taylor about how the Pink Lady apple variety has grown significantly in the last several years. They have also been looking a future growth as well.

TAYLOR: We're also doing some projections, looking at out there with our discussions with growers and sippers in the industry. I put together just some very brief projections for the future and those projections show that we could be over 7 million trees planted in 2018 season which is not very farm from now and reaching over 8-million in 2020.

He says they just saw growth of over 4-million boxes of Pink Lady apples this last season. There are apple varieties that are just not real grower friendly.

TAYLOR: And grower friendly is a very important thing because that relates to the pack out which ends up going t the fresh market where the better money is to be had and Pink Lady is known to be one of the better grower friendly apples. That's something that really needs to be taken into consideration when you're planting a new orchard.

The other piece to this puzzle is the change in the consumer market.

TAYLOR: When you look into consumer research that's exactly what we're finding is that people are looking for taste. It's great to have a product that's pretty but the millennials is the group that most people are aiming at right now and they are definitely interested in flavor.

That's today's Fruit Grower Report. I'm Greg Martin on the Ag Information Network of the West.

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