Wednesday Quiet Trading Ends Mostly Lower

Wednesday Quiet Trading Ends Mostly Lower

I’m KayDee Gilkey with the Market Line Report for April 9, 2015.
Markets traded quietly lower Wednesday ahead of Thursday's USDA supply and demand report. From the floor of the CME Group, Todd Horwitz shares his observations of Wednesday’s markets.
Horwitz: “Wednesday’s grain trade quiet, fairly flat a little bit to the downside. When you look at the entire picture, everybody is waiting to hear what the Federal Reserve is going to do. That is the key issue — it is not whether or not we will go up or down but whether the Fed will get out of the way and actually do something with interest rates to create some pressure on the dollar so we can export our goods. We’ve seen the beating we can take and we have held up unbelievably well.”
Chicago July Wheat ended Wednesday down 1 and 1/4 cents at 5-23 and 3/4. July corn ended the day down 3 and 3/4 cents at 3-87 and 1/4.
Portland prices for soft white wheat of ordinary protein were mixed down 15 to up a 1/4 of a cent at mostly 6-44 and 1/4. White club wheat of ordinary protein prices were mixed down 15 to up a 1/4 of a cent at mostly 8-67 and 1/4. Hard Red Winter wheat with 11.5 percent protein prices were down 4 cents at mostly 6-66 and 1/4. DNS wheat with 14 percent protein prices were down 3 to 23 cents at mostly 8-63 and 1/2.
June live cattle were down 87 and half cents on Wednesday at 151-45. May Feeder cattle were down $1.47 and half at 213-47 and half. May class III milk was down 7 cents at 15-82.


Previous ReportLower Grain Prices End Tuesday
Next ReportWheat and Corn Both End Lower on Thursday