ASAS Board Makes Statement of Safety of Conventionally Produced Milk
Earlier this month, anti-GMO groups orchestrated a social media campaign directed at Starbucks demanding that they stop using conventionally produced milk from cows fed genetically engineered crops in favor of organic milk.The President of the American Society of Animal Science Dr. Debra Aaron shares that the ASAS felt it was important to issue a statement that GE feeds pose no health threat to animals or to the humans who consumer animal-derived products.
Aaron: “We felt it was important enough for us to the let public know and to issue a statement relative to that because consumers have the right for a choice — they can go organic or not. We do not want scare tactics to be what causes consumers to be afraid of non-organically raised livestock.”
Dr. Aaron says in fact when you compare the meat and milk derived from those being feed GE feedstuffs to those with an organic diet.
Aaron: “There is no difference. You cannot detect any difference between the final product. I think that part should be very reassuring to the general public that the food that they consume and the milk that they drink is safe and it is high quality. Whether it comes from an organic production system or not.”
To read the ASAS statement go here.