

David Sparks Ph.D.
David Sparks Ph.D.
After the disaster that was the movie "Food Inc." which made agriculture look like it had signed a pact with the devil, I worried more than a little when I heard about the movie "Farmland". What was this going to be? Another indictment of the way our farmers and ranchers work in the world of agriculture? Well listen to the review from the Huffington Post. "It comes as a complete shock to me that the best movie I have seen this year is a documentary by the name of Farmland. Being a farmer or a rancher looks to be hard work but every one of the six actual farmers appearing in the movie make it look like the greatest profession on earth. They have a sense of mission in what they are doing and they convey this sense to the camera and thus to the audience." Well guess what farm guys and gals, the movie, directed by Oscar winning director James Moll, is coming to Boise sometime in July.

The U.S. Farmers & Ranchers Alliance CEO has worked with James Moll on this film. Here's USFRA's CEO Randy Krotz: "That's a real focus of ours as we go through the summer and into the fall, to make sure that Farmland is in venues where some other films that maybe don't share quite as practical and realistic look of agriculture have been for several years. what we really hope for, is that as people walk away from this film, that they really want to learn more about food production. The subjects in the film have been absolutely wonderful. They're actually covering a lot of venues, so we're thrilled with what their participation has been and we're just excited to have a tool like this that perhaps opens up the consumers' hearts and minds about food production.

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