My husband and I are fortunate to have a private upper deck where we can go to unwind after a long day. We have created a type of secret garden there where we have numerous herbs and flowering plants that provide much needed solace and beauty. We also have some rather tenacious wasps that are intent on building a nest in the northwest corner underneath the trailing Virginia Creeper and climbing roses. They have been nothing but persistent but my hubby and I both come from stubborn stock. We do realize though that these annoying little buggers also have a job to do. That’s why in our battle to dissuade them from building we haven’t used lethal methods. We don’t want to stop them from doing the helpful jobs they do in the garden, like pollinating and attacking different host insects such as stinkbugs, wood boring beetles and aphids. We just want them to build their abode somewhere else. So, we will keep on keeping on with the vinegar sprayer and nest removal. In the meantime perhaps we can convince a helpful praying mantis, or some dragon flies, both enemies of wasps, to help us.