USPB Chairman Shares Priorities
The United States Potato Board announced Brett Jensen has been elected as the Board's Chairman at their recent annual meeting. Jensen grows Russet Burbank potatoes for the fresh market and Ranger Russet potatoes for processing. He is part owner of a fresh-packing shed and also grows wheat, malt barley, alfalfa and corn in southern Idaho.Chairman Jensen shares his top two priorities for the upcoming USPB Marketing year.
Jensen: "The two biggest issues with the next year is — first and foremost is the announcement of the opening of Mexican border for fresh potatoes. I think that is going to consume a lot of time and working through the logistics of that. It is a very exciting thing for the United States potato industry. The second thing is the start of our next five-year long-range plan. We are going to start implementing that later this year with the grass roots level by meeting people and getting people's ideas about where our new long-range plan needs to go."
Jensen tells those in the potato industry?
Jensen: "I would say just get involved to protect our potato industry. As great as our industry is — if we don't have involvement, no one is there to protect it if we're not going to protect and grow it."