Farmed and Dangerous
Earlier this week Chipotle Restaurant released the first of four episodes in its original series, Farmed and Dangerous — no, you heard me right … FARMED and Dangerous. I really debated if I want to even mention this shameless and awful excuse for a 20 minutes of digital space. However, I think it is important that ag producers are aware of Chipotle’s next move in their marketing endeavors.I made sure I took my blood pressure medicine before viewing the 20 minutes of ag-offensive drivel. It’s slick that is for sure —- even with its own soundtrack. A true production, whose purpose it seems to me is to throw conventional agriculture under the bus and then put it in reverse and run over it again. Tossing out lie after lie presented as facts — now remember it is framed as satirical comedy — which I guess allows them to spew the falsehoods as freely as they do.
If Chipotle’s purpose is to create conversation, they might achieve that — however based on some of sadly pathetic comments touting the “TRUTH” of what they saw — the conversation will not promote understanding or civility.
If you haven’t heard me say it before, I believe in agriculture — of all kinds. I respect all farmers and ranchers who work hard to produce the food in find in my grocery store. Sadly, Chipotle doesn’t seem show the same regard for the people producing our food.