2-5 SS Dutch Ovens

2-5 SS Dutch Ovens

David Sparks Ph.D.
David Sparks Ph.D.
A Dutch oven is a thick-walled cooking pot (usually cast iron) with a tight-fitting lid. Dutch ovens have been used as cooking vessels for hundreds of years. Cast iron camp ovens fed the colonists, helped tame the wilderness, and did their share in settling the American West. Lodge camp ovens have proven themselves with avid outdoorsmen. They deliver consistent quality for even heating and superior cooking performance. Three integral legs allow the oven to be perfectly space over the hot coals of a campfire. Heavy gauge wire bale can be used for hanging the oven over the campfire. Sportsman's Warehouse sells some dandies so let's talk with one of their camping experts...Ken Combs. "Would a Dutch oven go out camping with someone? Absolutely. There are lots of different ways that you can use a Dutch oven. There is your crowd that takes them out camping and uses them over a fire. Most people use coals with them. You might even have some people using them over a stove, like a camp chef style stove. The people who take them camping, in most cases, will use a tripod. They will put over a fire and then hang them with a chain right over the fire. Sometimes they will put it down in the coals when they get some red hot coals and the fire is pretty much gone. Let us say that I go out goose hunting for duck hunting and get a bird. Can I cook it in the Dutch oven right there in camp? At the end of the day, if you have a bird and you want to do something with that bird by throwing it in the Dutch oven, by all means you can do that. You can put anything you want to in a Dutch oven. So it is a great camping accessory? Absolutely.
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