2-4 SS Heavy Salmon

2-4 SS Heavy Salmon

David Sparks Ph.D.
David Sparks Ph.D.
Dawn Collius Is a pretty hardy soul given that she moved to Alagnak, AK with her husband and part of the mission was to do some serious hunting and fishing. You got understand this is a very remote little Eskimo village that she's living in and one of the things you have to do is get your own food knowing that the first Walmart is 1000 miles away. Well you could not fish with fishing poles at the mouth of the Yukon because the silt was so bad. Well the fish couldn't see. So you had to use fishing nets which we had never done. So we decided okay, this was when we first got there, in August and September, and they had a real good run of fall chum. These are fish that are between 13 and 17 pounds, a salmon. So my husband, the Eskimos taught him how to set a net and we had bought a little aluminum skiff and had it shipped out there to that sand bar. So he went out and set a net, the floats on the net had sunk because there were so many fish in it. So he was picking the net because our boat was so small and I looked back and the motor was out of the water. We had too much weight, we had 178 salmon. What do you do with 178 salmon? It took me three days to clean them, and cut them and the Eskimo ladies came over and showed me how to fillet them, turn them inside out, clip the bones out of it and then slice it down and then we dried them.
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