WFB Legislative Days

WFB Legislative Days

WFB Legislative Days

 I’m Lacy Gray with Washington Ag Today.

 Tom Davis with the Washington Farm Bureau explains the importance behind WFB’s Legislative Days, which will take place February 4 and 5 at the WFB office in Lacey.

DAVIS: It’s an excellent opportunity for our Farm Bureau members to come to Olympia - be briefed not only by us - the government relations staff, but we also bring in key legislators who talk either about specific issues that they’re working on that are important to agriculture, but they also give us they’re perspective on what’s going on in session.

Davis talks about where their focus is and what their priorities are for the 2014 session.

DAVIS: Really, it’s maintaining the ability to farm - making sure that we’re not over regulated. That’s always been an issue for us. It’s going back to the tax policies, making sure that the tax policies that we have here in the state are ones that keep ag viable. When it comes to running the state there’s an inclination by some - if we need more money to fund different programs let’s just raise taxes. Our membership believes that they ought to look for monies from existing resources - maybe there’re some reforms, maybe there’re some cuts, but let’s make sure we’re spending every dollar we already have wisely before we ask the public for more money. And when it comes to policies that are implemented by our state agencies our push is they really have to be fair and unbiassed and they have to be based on sound science.

 For more information on Washington Farm Bureau Legislative Days visit

That’s Washington Ag Today.

 I’m Lacy Gray on the Ag Information Network.

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