Ag Day Essay Contest Deadline
I’m KayDee Gilkey and welcome to Open Range. Here’s Greg with today’s report.
Thanks KayDee. Each year as part of the National Ag Day celebration students are given the opportunity to apply for a scholarship. Annette Degnan, Marketing and Communications Director for CHS talks about the essay contest.
DEGNAN: CHS is proud to once again be sponsor the Ag Day essay contest that is open to students from ninth to twelfth grade and they submit an original 450 word essay or a two-minute video essay about the importance of agriculture. We think that this is just a great way for rural youth to showcase their ideas.
Deadline for the scholarship essays is January 31st.
DEGNAN: So they would need to kind of pick up their pen or pick up their cameras and get moving. They would submit them online at the Ag Day website, And today’s students are very familiar with technology and I don’t expect they would find any problems doing those submissions.
She says the prize money is not too shabby either.
DEGNAN: The national winner of the essay contest, the written essay wins $1000 and a ticket to Washington DC where they would be recognized during the celebration of Ag Day dinner. And the winner of the video essay receives $1000 and their video is shown during the dinner as well.
I’m Greg Martin and that’s today’s AgriBeef Minute.
Thanks Greg. Don’t forget Greg will be back each Wednesday with the AgriBeef Minute. Agri Beef Co - Real Families, Great People, Exceptional Beef. I’m KayDee Gilkey.