Emergency Critical Care Transport Services
Today’s report is highlighting a non-profit organization that provides critical services to many rural communities. Northwest MedStar provides critical care transport service to critically ill or injured patients through helicopter, fixed wing and ground-based transports to health care facilities throughout the Pacific Northwest.
Northwest MedStar Clinical Services Manager and registered nurse Rachel Zamora shares more.
Zamora: “Aside from our transport service, we are out in communities constantly providing outreach education for hospital employees and also helicopter landing safety classes for some of the businesses that work in rural areas or companies that provide services in rural areas -- like public utility, Avista, wind farms, any of the Forest Service folks who might need our services when working out in desolate or very rural areas where they don’t have access to EMS right away.”
Northwest MedStar also provides memberships to households to help with that portion of critical care air transport expense that is not covered by insurance as she explains
Zamora: “When you consider perhaps a short average helicopter flight may cost $20,000 and insurance only covers 80 percent of that the MedStar membership will cover the out of pocket expenses.”
To learn more about this organization as well as their membership go to nwmedstar.org.