Protecting Privacy
Protecting Privacy. I'm Greg Martin with today's Line On Agriculture.The American Farm Bureau Federation recently responded to the inflammatory tactics of several environmental activist groups who have asked to intervene in AFBF's Freedom of Information Act lawsuit against the Environmental Protection Agency. These same groups have already sought privacy information of farmers and ranchers, which AFBF is trying to protect.
QUIST: Many of the groups are requesting the information because they don't believe that EPA is properly regulating agriculture, particularly livestock and poultry farms. They want to seek this information so they can sample water, harass farmers and build their case that EPA is not properly enforcing the Clean Water Act.
That's AFBF attorney Danielle Quist said that while they don't oppose the activist groups' request to intervene in the case, it does object to the false accusations about poultry and livestock farmers. AFBF also objected to the groups' efforts to detract the court's attention from the important privacy questions presented in the case.
QUIST: They have really put forth in their motion very inflammatory and exaggerated statements about how livestock and poultry farmers operate their farms. They are simply false statements and they have nothing to do with this lawsuit. This is not a lawsuit or a referendum about whether or not farmers and ranchers are following the Clean Water Act or whether EPA is properly enforcing it. This is a case about privacy.
That's today's Line On Agriculture. I'm Greg Martin on the Ag Information Network.