Telling Ag's Story

Telling Ag's Story

As an ag radio reporter, I really enjoy visiting with people who are passionate about telling their personal ag story as well as helping consumers better understand agriculture. Several weeks ago Idaho Cattle Association Communication Director Jessie Thompson attended the Ag Chat Foundations, Agvocacy 2.0 Conference in North Carolina to learn to better tell her ag story through social media platforms. Thompson: "I met with about 100 different farmers and ranchers, crop growers and ag business leaders from throughout the U.S. and Canada and we went to sessions and discussed how to better tell our story." Thompson says her platform of choice is Facebook but there are many different choices for farmers and ranchers to choose from. She encourages ag producers to consider telling their story and striking up conversations via social media. Thompson: "Ninety-eight percent of the population don't live on a farm or a ranch. So for you as that two percent to change someone's mind or have a conversation with somebody -- that is really hard to do. But social media allows you to do that because it connects some many different people around the world.It really helps you to share your story and the story of others." If you are interested becoming an Agvocate - Ag Chat Foundation will be having a regional conference in Portland -- January 30 and 31st. Put it on your calendar for now and I'll share more information as we get closer to the new year.
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