Jolynn Dausey is a sales associate at the Sportsman's Warehouse store in Medford, Oregon. She specializes in Turkey deep frying equipment and smoking wild game. I am a bow hunter and I hunt elk and deer. I have shot three elk with my bow, to with my rifle, I have shot 11 bears but those were all with rifle and I used to get my deer every year with my bow. When you say dear are you talking about muley? Yes. You don't eat muley do you? Well yeah. You don't eat mule deer? I have not. I have eaten every other type of venison but I have heard that mule deer was not all that good. Oh my goodness. Well talk to me about that. I would rather eat a mule deer then a black tail. They just have a different taste. As long as you take care of them. As soon as you shoot them, get the hide off and hang them and cool them. Somebody must not be taking care of their animal very good. They told me the same thing about an antelope. Last year I got my first antelope. I had never even been antelope hunting. It was a nice one. We got the hide off right away, got it in the cooler, they told me I wasn't going to like it, it was going to be raunchy, that meet was better than any elk or deer meat that I've ever eaten. I think it is all in how you take care of it. A mule deer especially, you have to get that hide off. You can't haul it around in your truck all day while you are trying to get another deer. I think that is a mistake a lot of people make.