Bio S.I.

Bio S.I.

BioSi. I’m Greg Martin with today’s Line On Agriculture.

Farmland is a precious commodity. It is the ultimate in a renewable resource since you use it over and over again, year after year. Wayne Tucker, president of Bio S.I. Technology, says using a product like Bio S.I. can help keep that land producing.

TUCKER: It’s a soil inoculate. It’s an organically certified soil inoculate that helps rebuild the soil. And what it does, it helps reduce crusting, improves water infiltration, fertilizer efficiency. But the real thing that it does, it helps rebuild the humus factor in the fraction of the soil which is where your water and nutrients are held in the rhizosphere.

Tucker says a lot of people still refer to it as organic matter.

TUCKER: But in my mind actually organic matter is what the microbes use to build humus. And so what we are doing is were putting the living fraction of the soil back again. Not that we don’t have a lot of microbes out there it’s just that over the past 50, 60, 70 years, whatever, we’ve pounded them with every kind of fertilizer, chemical and everything and they’ve just lost the ability, it seems like, to produce the enzymes and help keep the soil healthy like they used to 70, 80 years ago.

One of things Tucker points out is today when you work the soil it doesn’t have the same earthy smell as it used to. It’s called geosmin.

TUCKER: We actually bring that back in, if not the first year the second year. When the farmer plows his land he can actually smell the geosmin smell again. Plus it enhances the plants roots.

Tomorrow we get a bit more in depth with Wayne Tucker regarding the product, Bio S.I.

That’s today’s Line On Agriculture. I’m Greg Martin on the Ag Information Network. 

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