New Dupont Product

New Dupont Product

New Dupont Product. I’m Greg Martin with today’s Line On Agriculture.

It will soon be time to think about planting your 2013 crops and it’s time to start thinking about what tools you will need to make that crop happen. Todd Robran with Dupont Crop Protection discusses a new product from Dupont.

ROBRAN: Dupont is excited. Here by the end of the calendar year; by the end of 2012 we’re going to be launching a new fungicide called Aproach™. Aproach™ will initially be registered on cereals, both wheat and barley, also dry beans and canola. So as we bring this product to the marketplace we are excited about what it offers. It’s brand new chemistry. It’s going to give growers a more reliable fungicide. It’s going to give them results they’ll see at the end of the year in terms of course of increased yield.

As with a lot of things, timing is key to getting a good start.

ROBRAN: As we look at Aproach™ fungicide, a couple application timings in cereals that we’re going to recommend - the first would be for those growers that are looking at a tillering application when their fungicide in with their herbicide. That would be the first recommended timing. Secondarily the recommended timing would be a flag leaf application for some of those growers that are looking to maybe push the management of their wheat, high yielding environments, we’re looking at at that flag leaf application and of course that’s beneficial to keep that flag leaf clean. Look to get maximum fill o those grain heads as the crop matures.

Again, Robran says the product registration is expected any time.

ROBRAN: And then product available as soon as January of 2013 so we encourage growers to stay in touch with their local Dupont rep or their local retailer. Talk to them about Aproach™. We’re certainly going to have some excellent supply available in 2013 and growers are going to want to see Aproach™ on their own farm. They need to talk to their retailers.

According to their website the product can be tank mixed with a variety of herbicides and insecticides.

That’s today’s Line On Agriculture. I’m Greg Martin on the Ag Information Network. 

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