Hanging Up the Spurs

Hanging Up the Spurs

Susan Allen
Susan Allen


I’m Susan Allen welcome to Open Range. The  7 years of producing this progam was filled with wildfires and wolves not to mention Northwest cowboys intent on making it to the NFR. Sprinkle in activist antics, The Farm Bill mixed with pink slime and hosting Open Range has been like riding a  saddle bronc,  you’ve got to be ready for the next move. Meaning my time has come to hang up the spurs and pass the reins. After the break I’ll introduce Open Range’s new host.  Open Range has always been about sharing my passion for the western way of life with an audience as diverse as little league moms in Boise to Buckeroo’s  in Burns and while that won’t change,  starting Monday you’ll have a fresh perspective on ranching  with friend and colleague Kaydee Gilkey in the saddle.   Kaydee was raised in the beef industry, showing cattle in 4-H, FFA and the Junior Angus Association. Her  family’s Appleland Angus Ranch is one Pacific Northwest’s pioneer Angus herds. KayDee brings her "newsy" take  to the program   having worked for both the Washington and Idaho Cattle Associations she already has some insightful  interviews lined up with industry movers and shakers. During my tenure one quote grew into  my mission statement and while I will miss our 90 seconds together each day I hope you always remember, protect, fight for  and hold dear Wallace Stegner  insight that , The West, is not merely a place,  but a place of mind"
Happy Trails
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