Extending Tax Rates & EPA Moratorium

Extending Tax Rates & EPA Moratorium

Extending Tax Rates & EPA Moratorium. I’m Greg Martin with today’s Northwest Report.

On Wednesday the House passed the Job Protection and Recession Prevention Act, by a bipartisan vote of 256 to 171. The legislation will extend current tax rates for all Americans. Washington Congressman Doc Hastings says Congress needs to get on this.

HASTINGS: Unless Congress acts before the end of the year there’ll be a huge tax increase that’ll amount on the average of over $2000 per family and particularly in Washington State is the sales tax deduction from our federal income tax which probably would increase Washington State’s share even more.

Nebraska Senator and former Ag Secretary Mike Johanns has introduced legislation that would ban the Environmental Protection Agency from conducting aerial surveillance for one year. It comes after the EPA failed to fully respond to requests for a clear, complete account of the size and scope of its surveillance program. Johanns said farmers and ranchers do not trust the EPA. Until the agency takes a more common sense, transparent, open approach - he said we need to step on the brakes. He says the one-year moratorium will give the agency time to come clean about its activities.

Now here’s today’s Washington Grange report.


That’s today’s Northwest Report. I’m Greg Martin on the Ag Information Network. 

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