Possible New Cash Crop & Supreme Court Ruling
Possible New Cash Crop & Supreme Court Ruling. I’m Greg Martin with today’s Northwest Report.
Wednesday was a big day for landowners in Idaho as the U.S. Supreme Court handed the EPA a defeat in the EPA vs Sackett case where the Idaho family wanted to build a house on a half acre lot and the EPA stopped them calling it a wetland. National Cattlemen's Beef Association Deputy Environmental Counsel Ashley Lyon McDonald says this decision by the Supreme Court is a very important ruling for landowners across the country.
MCDONALD: The Supreme Court disagreed with the agency and said it was a final agency action which is subject to judicial review. So now landowners are able to challenge a jurisdictional finding of a wetland or just a water of the United States in general under the Clean Water Act.
If country music legend Willie Nelson has his way farmers in Oregon may soon have a new crop to grow...Aunt Mary, Chicago Green, Crazy Weed or as most of us know it, Pot. Nelson is asking Oregonians to legalize marijuana. The Oregon Cannabis Tax Act would make it legal for adults to grow pot. It would also license farmers to grow marijuana for state-licensed stores, fuel, fiber and food. The group already has 50-thousand of the 87,213 signatures needed to qualify for the November ballot. Other states including Washington, California and Montana are trying to legalize pot as well.
Now here’s today’s Washington Grange report.
That’s today’s Northwest Report. I’m Greg Martin on the Ag Information Network.