Age & Source Verification

Age & Source Verification

Susan Allen
Susan Allen

Welcome to Open Range, I’m Susan Allen. Stay tuned because after the break I’ll check in with our field reporter, Greg Martin for the AgriBeef Minute.

I’m Greg Martin with today’s AgriBeef Minute. The export market for cattle can be a tricky one and a big part of the puzzle is age and source verification. Lara Perkins, Export Verification Coordinator with AgriBeef says documentation can be a bit confusing.

PERKINS: I actually just went out and did a visit with one of our suppliers and when I was talking to her about the program she said she was really concerned that it was going to mean using expensive EID ear tags and having to document every single birthdate for every single calf born on her operation and she said she just wasn’t interested in doing that much additional work.

Perkins says there isn’t that much work that needs to be done.

PERKINS: When she found out that all it required was a unique identification which was the ranch tags that they were already using, documenting the first birthdate which she was already doing in her accounting book, she said it was really very easy. it didn’t really create any extra work for her at all.

There is a one page age and source document that must also be sent in. But what might the future hold.

PERKINS: There’s rumors that we’re going to go to a national traceability, that it’s going to become a requirement. I would say that that’s really farther in the future than some people try to predict

I’m Greg Martin and that’s today’s AgriBeef Minute.

Thanks Greg. Don’t forget Greg will be back each Wednesday with the AgriBeef Minute. Agri Beef Co - Real Families, Great People, Exceptional Beef. I’m Susan Allen.  

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