Schlect on Hort

Schlect on Hort

Schlect on Hort. I’m Greg Martin with today’s Fruit Grower Report.

The 2011 Washington State Horticultural Convention and Expo gets underway this coming Monday in Wenatchee and Chris Schlect, President of Northwest Horticultural Council will be attending.

SCHLECT: The part that I am specifically involved with is in food safety which is a major issue for our industry and the whole United States produce industry. On Tuesday afternoon we’ll be having a session that will be focused on the new federal law that is governing this area now and how the Food & Drug Administration might be implementing that new law.

It will be good to get an update on what is happening in that area. Schlect says that like a lot of other people in the industry the annual meeting and expo is a good place to reconnect.

SCHLECT: Mostly it’s contacting other individuals and a lot of times you don’t see everybody face to face in my kind of a job and it’s an opportunity to talk with and discuss and be available for people to ask me questions about what we’re doing at the Northwest Horticultural Council and see some of the other sessions to see what topics are of concern to growers so that we can try to better represent them in our work in Washington DC.

For more information contact them through their website at The complete program is posted online.

That’s today’s Fruit Grower Report. I’m Greg Martin on the Ag Information Network. 

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