End Around Failure

End Around Failure

Was the Super Committee’s inability to come to an agreement by Thanksgiving truly an honest attempt ending in failure, or was it a well orchestrated end-around maneuver; with the ball now handed back to Obama and whomever his presidential challenger will be. They will have to introduce and debate their own alternatives for reducing the nation’s debt. When the Super Committee couldn’t come to terms it triggered automatic spending cuts that will start in January 2013 affecting defense spending, education,agriculture, and environmental programs. It’s definitely gearing up to be a very interesting, and intense election year. The public is frustrated with both political parties and wants something done sooner rather than later. Political candidates generally don’t take a controversial stance that could cost them votes but it will be practically unavoidable in 2012. Eventually Congress must work together with a President in order to put plans in place that will tackle America’s growing financial crisis. Enough with the political party discord; do what you were elected to do and work together to help mend our country.  

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