Halloween Traditions
Today Halloween is about jack-o-lanterns, candy, ghost and goblin window clings, and costumes galore, but where did this most misunderstood and often misrepresented of holidays get its beginnings? Our ancestors were much more in tune with nature than we are. The majority were farmers who based their lives on the natural rhythms and cycles of nature. Halloween falls just after the large harvest season and at that time of year when a large portion of the world is seeing shorter days and longer colder nights. Understanding the close connection centuries ago of people and food, beyond just the eating of, helps us to better understand what may seem like strange Halloween rituals and traditions today. The game of apple bobbing related to love and bringing possible marriage partners together. Turnip carving, or pumpkin carving was done to light the darkness and ward off evil, not invite it. Many herbs and spices such as rosemary, fennel, and garlic were harvested and used in olden times not only for culinary or medicinal purposes, but protection as well. Why even today the strong smell of garlic can ward off unwanted attention!