Cherry Fruit Fly Found
Cherry Fruit Fly Found. I’m Greg Martin with today’s Fruit Grower Report.
The first cherry fruit fly has been trapped in Chelan county and Bonnie Shanafelt, Horticultural Pest and Disease Board Agent for Chelan and Douglas Counties talks about the significance.
SHANAFELT: The significance of that is that the cherry fruit fly is a quarantined pest so that when it comes time to harvest the fruit if the cherry fruit fly is found in a growers crop, he won’t be able to sell his crop. If up to three of them are found in a shed the whole entire shed gets shut down so it’s a very important pest to control in the area.
The fruit fly was found in the East Wenatchee area along Sunset Highway.
SHANAFELT: That means that people need to start paying closer attention to their spray program and there are some fruits actually coming into the sheds at this point so we’re going to be working on control efforts and you may be visited by me and/or other people to find out what the condition is of the fruit in the area.
The spotting winged drosophila has also made an appearance as well.
SHANAFELT: They’ve found it in the British Columbia area and also in the Hood River area so it’s just a matter of time before we actually find that one here as well.
Backyard fruit growers should be especially vigilant and not allow the fruit to just drop and lay on the ground. If you have any questions regarding these pests, be sure and contact your local extension agent.
That’s today’s Fruit Grower Report. I’m Greg Martin on the Ag Information Network.