Thundering Hooves shuts down; Columbia-Snake river system update

Thundering Hooves shuts down; Columbia-Snake river system update

Thundering Hooves, that southeastern Washington operation that raised grass fed beef on organic pastures has shutdown. A statement on its website says “We are extremely sorry to inform you that due to unfortunate financial circumstances Thundering Hooves is ceasing all operations immediately.”

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers says the entire Columbia-Snake River navigation system remains on schedule to return to service for river traffic on March 23rd. That’s despite a few days delay for the reopening of the Lower Monumental navigation lock. That lock reopening, which was to have occurred on the 15th is now set for March 21st. The rescheduling will allow the contractor more time to complete alignment of navigation lock gate seals.

Now this from Stockland Livestock.

Thanks Jack.

I’m Bob Hoff and that’s Washington Ag Today on Northwest Aginfo Net.

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