Rights of Rainwater
Quite a while back I mentioned the little known fact that in most states it’s considered against the law for individual landowners to collect and use rain water. These antiquated rain water laws have been under attack lately, and rightly so, given the continuing drought situation faced by so many across the U.S., and that todays trend in society is for individual responsibility when it comes to the environment. It was obvious that counterproductive rain barrel restrictions would need to go sooner, rather than later. Legislators are well aware they will have to pass new legislation authorizing landowners to capture rainwater for outdoor and indoor use. California recently introduced just such a bill to their State Assembly; recognizing the simple fact that after facing long lasting droughts, California needs to use whatever water is at their disposal. And they’re not the only ones. Many other states are moving to allow rain water collection. With the right to harvest rainwater though comes the responsibility of proper use and treatment of the collected rain water by landowners and homeowners, but this is definitely a step in the right direction.