Protecting Against Aphids
Protecting Against Aphids. I’m Greg Martin with today’s Fruit Grower Report.
Fruit growing season will soon be here and along with it pests that love to eat that fruit as much as we do. Now FMC has released a new insecticide to help fight against aphids.
LIEFKER: We’ve just received the registration in Canada which is a big deal because what we’re allowed to do now is all the produce grown in the U.S. can now be shipped to Canada without any residue tolerance issues so all the MRL’s are now set in Canada where before they couldn’t apply Beleaf® on their vegetable crops because of the MRL in Canada were not established.
That’s FMC’s Product Manager Bob Leifker - who says the recent full registrations and widespread availability mean the product remains a convenient choice for growers. He notes it’s also a highly effective treatment for controlling insects before they damage the plant - making it an effective choice as part of an overall pest management program.
LIEFKER: This is a very soft selective type of product so it’s very good on some key pests such as aphids or lygus type of insects and very safe on the beneficials. This is a translaminar type of product so it will actually get in there and prevent aphids to getting into the lettuce as well as being able to apply the product all the way through until harvest because it has zero day pre-harvest interval.
That’s today’s Fruit Grower Report. I’m Greg Martin on the Ag Information Network.