Farming the Present, Planning the Future

Farming the Present, Planning the Future

Farming the Present, Planning the Future. I’m Greg Martin with today’s Fruit Grower Report.

Rolf Luehs is a student intern from Germany working with the Washington Tree Fruit Research Commission who takes a look at farming around the world and planning for the future. He believes the best way to experience an orchard is to visit it.

LUEHS: Of course that’s the most expensive way to do that and also pays back quite well I think. So for a 10 to 14 day travel we say we spend $3000 but when we get an idea that saves us three hours per acre on our hundred-acre farm then it almost pays back in the first year.

He says that even an idea as simple as using a padded bag to reduce bruising can save your operation. He takes us on a tree fruit world tour.

LUEHS: Let’s start with China. China of course being the biggest apple producing country in the world has a huge impact on the juice market and especially on the pear juice market here a couple of years ago. They have not the technology you see in the Pacific Northwest  but they have very cheap labor.

The Chinese though do really like apples from Washington State so exports are strong.

LUEHS: Another interesting country of course is Australia.  They’re doing an excellent job there of trying to put the fruit in the sun. Another thing the Aussie’s are doing a good job in is taking care of their irrigation management, having a really limited water supply so they have to build up the water holding capacity and then monitor it through the season.

More tomorrow.

That’s today’s Fruit Grower Report. I’m Greg Martin on the Ag Information Network.

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