Just when you thought the world of politics couldn't possibly get any more bizarre up steps Congresswoman elect from Florida, Frederica Wilson. Her first priority doesn't concern the economy, unemployment, national defense, health care, or immigration; she's worried about hats. Wilson claims the no hat rule on the House floor is sexist, which in and of itself doesn't carry much weight since it's a century old rule directed at men. Florida voters right about now are probably thinking why, oh why does it always seem to happen to us. Good question. An even better question would be what in the world possessed this woman that she's not only made Congress yet another target for late night talk show hosts, but set women's reputation in politics back forty or fifty years; all so she can show off her massive hat collection. Perhaps we, like our British cousins of the past, should have House and Senate members wear long black robes and white wigs, much like school children's uniforms, so these people can get back to what they are supposed to be doing; represent, protect, and uphold the will of the American people.