Political Signs

Political Signs

Well, whether your preferred candidate won or lost in the past weeks elections one very good thing will come with the end of the political season, the removal of political signs! There are numerous things in this world that cause me irritation, cell phone users in restaurants, dog walkers who leave "presents" in my yard, public rest rooms with no tissue, soap, or towels, and politicians who fail to take down their campaign signs after elections. Most cities have a time frame given in which politicians have to remove their campaign signs before being fined. Whether or not fines are ever issued remains to be seen as it appears most of these signs are still quite visible long after the elections are over. I understand the necessity of these signs and will even go so far as to say political signs offer a visual testimony to our country's greatness and our right to free speech. But it would behoove politicians to realize that it would be an even more magnanimous gesture to their constituents and speak volumes of their true character by how quickly they take down their signs after the election, regardless of whether they've won or lost.
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