Fall Fell. I'm Greg Martin with today's Fruit Grower Report.
Over the weekend here in SE Washington, fall sort of officially arrived. The first fairly heavy frost assaulted the area and the Martin's began our getting ready for winter routine around the house. I also finally harvested the few Concord grapes we had in the backyard. Of course mine will go into just either some juice or jelly. My one vine though does not compare with the commercial side and Mike Concienne with National Grape Cooperative says they are still picking,
CONCIENNE: We've got a couple more weeks here at Welch's. I think Smucker's is going to wrap up things a little bit earlier than that. Milne is projected to go, it sound like right at the end of the month around the 30th and then Valley Processing I've heard will go into the first week in November so I would say by some time tomorrow we should be around 50% done.
Of course the Concord grape harvest here in the northwest does not compare with the notoriety that the wine grape harvest gets with their many varieties that eventually make it to the table in the form of fine wines. But there is something about standing in the middle of my vine out back and smelling that grape juice smell that evokes memories of being a kid drinking a grape Nehi and slathering a piece of bread with peanut butter and Concord grape jelly. In fact...that sounds pretty good so if you will excuse me, I have a fall snack to make.
That's today's Fruit Grower Report. I'm Greg Martin on the Ag Information Network.