New Apple Varieties & Charging Stations

New Apple Varieties & Charging Stations

New Apple Varieties & Charging Stations. I'm Greg Martin with today's Northwest Report. When I was a kid the number of apple varieties was pretty much limited to Red Delicious, Jonathans and maybe Golden Delicious. Now with apple harvest getting into full swing we are hearing names like Pinata, Pink Lady, Honeycrisp, Cameo and dozens of others. Alan Taylor with Pink Lady America says they are not quite ready to pick. TAYLOR: It's the first to bloom and the last to pick so it will be the end of October, early November before we really see the harvest come on. This year we're looking at a crop that's a little bigger than it has been in the last couple of years and there's a forecast of 7% more than this crop that just ended so we're excited about that. It's the sign of the next generation, the electric vehicle charging station. BP, the company that brought us the massive oil spill in the Gulf this past summer plans to install electric-vehicle chargers at BP and Arco stations in four Oregon cities, helping to prevent dreaded "range anxiety." The fast chargers will be placed in Portland, Eugene, Salem and Corvallis as part of a plan to install 1,100 charging stations in Oregon by this next July. Auto manufacturers and charging companies want to eliminate the anxiety electric-vehicle drivers could feel as they near the outer limits of their battery capacities. Now here's today's Washington Grange Report. (GRANGE) That's today's Northwest Report. I'm Greg Martin on the Ag Information Network.
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