New leader for Northwest FCS; trying to exempt milk from oil spill prevention regs

New leader for Northwest FCS; trying to exempt milk from oil spill prevention regs

Northwest Report July 23, 2010 Northwest Farm Credit Services Board Chairman Drew Eggers has announced that Phil DiPofi has been selected as the next president and chief executive officer of Northwest Farm Credit Services. DiPofi is currently chief banking officer of CoBank. He will succeed Jay Penick, who will retire from a 21-year career as leader of Northwest FCS. Penick will remain president and CEO until January 1, 2011, when DiPofi will officially assume his new role.

Nebraska Senator Mike Johanns has introduced legislation to require the Environmental Protection Agency to exempt milk containers from oil spill regulations within 30 days. The EPA currently enforces Spill Prevention, Control and Countermeasure regulations to prevent oil from discharging into U.S. waterways. For those purposes milk is considered oil, which Senator Johanns thinks is ludicrous.

Johanns: “Milk, which is made up of 80% water, which is an excellent source of calcium and protein; milk could be regulated in the same way as oil and that doesn‘t make any sense. Now I am no scientist but I don‘t think it takes a Phd to tell the difference between milk and oil.”

Johanns points out that milk storage is already regulated by the Food and Drug Administration under the Pasteurized Milk Ordinance.

Now here’s today’s Washington Grange Report.


I’m Bob Hoff and that’s today’s Northwest Report on Northwest Aginfo Net.


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