6-29 IAN WWP Appeal

6-29 IAN WWP Appeal

 Three grazing allotments managed by Western Watersheds Project have been cancelled by the U.S. Bureau of Land Management’s Challis field office. Jon Marvel is the Western Watersheds founder and took the position back in the early 90’s that cattle being allowed to graze on public lands was a bad thing and has spent years fighting to prevent cattlemen from continuing a tradition that has gone on since the wild West began. Western Watersheds gained control of approximately 22,000 acres through gifting or purchase of the base property. They then applied for non-use of the permits repeatedly. Apparently WWP didn’t follow the rules so BLM-Challis Field Manager David Rosenkrance  issued citations thus playing a role in revoking three grazing allotments: “Valley Sun applied for non-use in acquiring the grazing permit and in 2006 through 2007 they requested non-use because they were in the process of acquiring livestock. Since they have said they do not intend to graze the public lands. The decision to cancel their permits came March 26, 2010 for violations of the grazing regulations.”

 Well guess what. The Idaho Statesman recently reported that “An administrative judge has put a stop to the Bureau of Land Management's cancellation of an WWP’s lease of federal land, at least for now. Western Watersheds Project says it aims to restore the allotments' rangeland health. Judge Andrew Pearlstein, of the U.S. Department of Interior's hearings office, is blocking the BLM's cancellation while Western Watersheds Project's appeal moves forward.

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