Mosquito Warning & Budget Cuts

Mosquito Warning & Budget Cuts

Mosquito Warning & Budget Cuts plus Food Forethought. I'm Greg Martin with today's Northwest Report. Well it is that time of year. Grant County Washington has issued the first health warning of the season for West Nile virus. Jeff Ketchel, Grant County Health District Administrator says people need to take some precautions. KETCHEL: Not only protecting themselves from mosquitoes such as wearing long pants, long sleeve shirts when they're in areas of mosquitoes especially around dawn and dusk. Use of mosquito repellents and also keeping their property free from mosquito habitats. We're encouraging people to take precautions to prevent getting bitten by mosquitoes and the possibility of transmitting the disease. He also says it's not too late to get your animals vaccinated for West Nile. Gov. Ted Kulongoski ordered all state departments to proceed with 9 percent budget cuts first outlined June 10, that would last through July 2011. The state Corrections department appears to be the only one to be spared. The governor called for the reductions after budget projections showed a $577 million deficit through the next budget year. The 9 percent refers to the biennial budget cycle that started in 2009. Now with today's Food Forethought, here's Lacy Gray. Just when you thought it couldn't get any sillier a news article pops up about yet another advocacy group suing a major food chain over an issue that shouldn't be an issue; especially one that will be dragged through, and hence bog down, the nation's legal system. McDonald's is just one of those companies that seems to have a bull's eye tattoo on their backside inviting every nut case or extremist group to sue them. Deep pockets mean more "free money" to go around. The consumer advocacy group known as "The Center for Science in the Public Interest" is no exception. Like the woman who burned her crotch with McDonald's hot coffee while trying to drive and sip, in turn suing for her suffering and in her case stupidity, the lawsuit being threatened currently by CSPI against McDonald's over toys in Happy Meals is all about fortune and fame. Their claim that the toys force parents to buy fattening food for their children is pure hokum, and suing McDonald's with such a claim is nothing short of legal extortion. CSPI files dozen of lawsuits against food companies annually. Sadly, this time they will probably hit the jackpot. Thanks Lacy. That's today's Northwest Report. I'm Greg Martin on the Ag Information Network.
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