Matter of Choice

Matter of Choice

Why is it we as humans feel the need to impose our likes or dislikes onto our fellow human beings? This annoying human trait can pertain to anything as simple as preferring strawberry over chocolate ice cream to sports team affiliations, or whether or not to eat only organically grown foods. Who can honestly say one is better than the other. A recently published review in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition states there is no scientific evidence proving organic food is any healthier than conventionally grown food. Now, before those of you who prefer to buy only organic food come after me with tar and feathers consider this; in a world where a large percentage of the population faces starvation is it really practical to expect the entire world to go organic? In reality, organic agriculture can not feed the world. The United States alone would require additional livestock numbering in the millions to supply manure and an additional billion acres at best for forage crops. There goes the lid on greenhouse gases. There is room however for both organic and conventional grown food in the consumer marketplace. If you can afford and prefer organic, more power to you, if not that's okay too, really.
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