Farm Labor Conference

Farm Labor Conference

Farm Labor Conference. I'm Greg Martin with today's Fruit Grower Report. Labor is a hot topic right now. Changes are being made and according to Dan Fazio, Director of Employer Services with Washington Farm Bureau, the annual Farm Labor Conference should be attended by all farmers. FAZIO: Greg as you know the Washington Farm Bureau's Labor Conference, we call it measure your success, is scheduled for Thursday, February 25th, it's an all day conference at the Wenatchee Convention Center. And boy I think we got lucky or hit a home run on this one because of the speakers, the break out sessions and the information we're going to have. The whole labor issue right now is very volatile and Fazio says they have a speaker than can address some of these issues. FAZIO: Our keynote speaker is Leon Sequira. Mr. Sequira was the former assistant Secretary of Labor for Policy under the Bush Administration. He wrote the guest worker rules we are living under and he was very, very instrumental in analyzing the Department of Labor and making policy changes in the Department of Labor. Immigration Custom Enforcement or ICE agents will be on hand to answer questions as well. FAZIO: People can register, it's $65 dollars to register online and that includes the lunch and all the seminar materials. They register at That's www.wsfb – stand for Washington State Farm Bureau – dot com. Online registration deadline is at noon tomorrow so make plans now to attend. That's today's Fruit Grower Report. I'm Greg Martin on the Northwest Ag Information Network.
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