Red Bluff Recap
The Red bluff Bull and Gelding sale serves as a market indicator of sorts for the northwest livestock industry. I’m Susan Allen stay tuned for OpenRange.For sixty nine years now the Red Bluff Bull auction in January provides our regions livestock producers a gage for the upcoming year. With the addition of ranch geldings and cow dogs the whole western specter is covered at one of the West’s largest livestock events. This year, in spite of an dreadful economy, both bull and working dog prices trended up. Two hundred and sixty eight bulls offered brought an average of $2,600 and you would need to dig deeper in your pockets for a stock dog. Fourteen were sold averaging nearly five grand a piece, with three border collies selling for over ten thousand dollars. The bargain was ranch geldings, due to the fact the horse industry is more venerable to the general economy than cattle it remained the only category down from last year at a five thousand dollar a horse average. Color sells! Like at most sales top horse was a buckskin consigned from Idaho selling for $20,000 and going right back home with an Idaho buyer. Several trained cutting and roping horses brought over fifteen thousand a piece heading to their new homes (forgive the pun) in Montana and Washington State. In the end Red Bluff left a rosie outlook for NW livestock producers.