Checking on the Banking Industry
Checking on the Banking Industry. I’m Greg Martin with today’s Fruit Grower Report.
At this year’s 105th Annual Meeting of the Washington State Horticultural Association you will have the opportunity of talking with and hearing from some of the industry leaders on a variety of topics including an interesting session on Economic Resiliency.
MATHISON: The session that I’ll be managing, I really want to kind of bring the world of banking to the ag industry and bringing in some executives of some banks that lend in the ag industry and basically give the industry a perspective from kind of the 50-thousand foot level of the challenges that the banking industry is facing.
That's West Mathison with Stemilt who hopes to explore some questions regarding the banking industry and what makes it tick.
MATHISON: One of the questions I’d like to get answered is as growers; we lay in bed awake thinking about the weather. What is it that the executives in the banking industry, what do they lay awake and think about? I think the more and better understanding we have about the financing world, the better decisions we’ll make as an industry.
It is a sure thing that people around the world will continue to eat and Mathison says the banking industry sees that.
MATHISON: The banking industry system in general is set up to drive forward while looking in the rearview mirror and so when you consider the 2008 apple crop and the 2009 cherry crop the outlook isn’t that positive but on the other side as we look forward there’s two things we can count on, one is that people are going to continue to eat the products that we grow and with the growing world economy people are going to eat more of them.
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That’s today’s Fruit Grower Report. I’m Greg Martin on the Northwest Ag Information Network.