In Favor of Farming

In Favor of Farming

I had to chuckle this past weekend over an article in my local paper by a reporter from the Los Angeles Times about farming being all the rage.  By the title of the article you would think this was going to be a piece in favor of farming in America, but two paragraphs into it one could immediately sense the distaste and misguided dislike this LA reporter had for the ag business and anything that supported farming, or might show farming in a favorable light. While the article proceeded to insist that family farms where fairy tales, that farming couldn’t be considered a way of life or that in reality there were no attractive farmers, I found myself wondering if this particular reporter had even been on a farm before, let alone talk to an honest to goodness farmer.  Granted, I would have to agree with the silliness of last year’s reality dating show “Farmer Wants a Wife”, but the silliness there emanated more from the LA beauties trying to do farm work in high heels than it did with the farming aspect.  So for your information “Meghan”, farming is a way of life, family farms do still exist, and there are some darn good looking farmers out there, male or female!

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