Riding For Reading
If you are a kid and love to ride horses typically the last thing you want to do is read a book, I’m Susan Allen Stay tuned to learn how a unique program promotes reading, literacy and education through equestrian sports and activities. When I was a child it was agony to stay inside and read when I could be out riding my horse,( but pure torture were piano lessons.) It might have been a different matter if I could have participated in the Riding for Reading program at my horse shows. Now Junior rodeo has a good outreach to schools while English riding disciplines have often been perceived as elitist. Riding for Reading works to change that. Since inception in 1977 it has helped 500,000 children through school library grants. Open to 1st through 12th graders, riders earn Riding For Reading Grants for their school libraries while showing their horse. In addition, they receive a bag of goodies including books, magazines, a t-shirt and treats for their horse. All levels and ages are invited to participate because the class is judged so that younger and less experienced riders are able to compete on an equal basis with older, more advanced junior riders. On the west coast it has been featured at Oregon’s Country Classic horseshow in Wilsonville and Hunter Jumper shows in Arizona and California. I’d say it’s time it’s makes the Washington and Idaho circuits . If you would like to offer Riding for Reading at your horse show this visit OpenRange at aginfo.net for their web link .ttp://www.ridingforreading.org