Organic Growing

Organic Growing

Organic Growing. I'm Greg Martin with today's Fruit Grower Report.

Organic fruit growers across the northwest are increasing. More and more producers are offering organic product and according to Miles McEvoy Program Manager for the Washington Department of Agricultures Organic Food Program more acres are being devoted to organic.

MCEVOY: Things are going quite well. There's going to be a lot more fruit on the marketplace this year, a lot of transitional acreage is being - it'll be the first year it's certified organic so there'll be a lot more quantity of organic fruit from Washington State.

Demand is really strong and packing houses say they will not have any problems moving the product. McEvoy says they are keeping their eyes on prices.

MCEVOY: Hopefully the increased production won't put any downward pressure on prices. The prices have been quite good so people have been happy with the returns they've been getting. Quality of organic fruit is looking good. There's not any particular pest problems.

Of course the long spring and some frost took its toll on some of the early organic fruit. According to McEvoy some new acres are getting ready.

MCEVOY: There's also a lot of organic stone fruit, peaches and nectarines, that will be coming on to the market. Most of that acreage is in second year transitional status. It will be organic next year but some of that is coming on to the market this year.

That's today's Fruit Grower Report. I'm Greg Martin on the Northwest Ag Information Network.

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