WTO BUdget Impacts & Making Less
WTO Budget Impacts & Making Less plus Food Forethought. I’m Greg Martin with today’s Northwest Report.
What impact will the President’s proposal have on WTO talks? An economist at Truth about Trade and Technology says anything that would reduce payments to farmers in the
With lower demand and lower prices, farmers will make less money this year.
COVEY: Overall we’re anticipating net farm income to be down from 2008 for the
Still USDA Economist Ted Covey does say that net farm income should top $71-billion dollars making it one of the top income years.
Now with today’s Food Forethought, here’s Lacy Gray.
My family and I have been enjoying watching classic movies lately; real classic, as in 1940 or earlier. One we watched just the other night called “Sullivan’s Travels” portrayed a wealthy
Thanks Lacy. That’s today’s Northwest Report. I’m Greg Martin on the Northwest Ag Information Network.