USDA Computer Problems

USDA Computer Problems

How many millions does it take to fix the USDA’s computer problems? Apparently, about $250 million more. The proposed economic stimulus package has $250 million earmarked to correct the long term problems of the USDA’s computer system. The USDA, who has already received millions for computers in recent years, had actually been hoping for $300 million.  Hopefully the USDA will put the funds to good and sensible use and finally fix their more than lacking computer system. While the Bush administration had encouraged farmers to file for subsidies online, any farmers doing so found that the computer system did not work as intended; therefore only around one percent of farmers filed for these benefits online. This time around the USDA has hired computer professionals to ascertain and judge the best route to take in order to fix this persisting problem and lay in their requests to the new administration instead of relying on political appointees. You know what they say, hindsight is always better than foresight; perhaps this time the USDA can get it right.


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