Stretching the Grocery Budget
Digging through my recipe books the other day I came across my Grandmother’s casserole recipe collection. Now there was a woman who knew how to stretch the contents of a pantry or a pocketbook! Having survived the depression years Grandma was always on the lookout for a new and different way to cook up leftovers. Today’s economy is creating a whole new generation of frugal and creative cooks. Busy families who are carefully watching their spending dollar have rediscovered the casserole. Mom or Dad don’t have to be the only ones who can put a meal together, even the kids can get in the frig and find enough combined leftovers of meat, veggies and cheese to come up with a tasty dinner dish. Another old time favorite finding resurgence in sales despite price increases due to hikes in commodity pricing is pasta; a package of spaghetti can stretch a long way! Armed with her recipes and a refrigerator stock full of leftovers I’m sure I can come up with a week’s worth of casseroles that would make Grandma proud.