Search: uptick
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The Agribusiness Update
California avocado harvest is expected to be slightly lower than midseason estimates, and Organic ag exports and imports tick upward.
The Agribusiness Update
Corn, soy, and cotton production is down from last year, and organic trade ticks higher.
The Agribusiness Update
Americans will eat about 16 pounds of turkey this year, and butter use continues to climb as more home baking and cooking happens during pandemic.
The Agribusiness Update
Americans will eat about 16 pounds of turkey this year, and butter use continues to climb as more home baking and cooking happens during pandemic.
The Agribusiness Update
U.S. Pork exports to Japan move higher, and Chinese give green light for U.S. soybean purchases.
The Agribusiness Update
China lowers certain cheese tariffs, and USDA forecasts more stable farm incomes.