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7 Results
Washington State Farm Bureau Report
National Council of Farmer Cooperatives President and CEO, says with the new year and new Congress coming, there’s no reason they shouldn’t be able to get a new Farm Bill done sooner than later.
Washington State Farm Bureau Report
As the clock in the lame duck session of Congress ticks away, priorities for the agricultural industry don’t appear to be at the top of the list.
Washington State Farm Bureau Report
As the clock in the lame duck session of Congress ticks away, priorities for the agricultural industry don’t appear to be at the top of the list.
The Agribusiness Update
U.S. Cotton Trust Protocol announces 3-year grower enrollment, and World food prices drop in May.
Fruit Grower Report
American Farm Bureau Federation Vice President Scott VanderWal is optimistic when it comes to trade.
Fruit Grower Report
American Farm Bureau Federation Vice President Scott VanderWal is optimistic when it comes to trade.
The Agribusiness Update
Fake News hits Facebook with Cattle Crushing, and Generation Z passes Millennials as most populated farmers to come.